Bishop Leo O'Reilly, Bishop of the Diocese of Kilmore, Ireland, has granted the Apostolate of the Returning King the status of private association of the faithful with juridical personality, and he has granted an Imprimatur to Anne's published writings.
Five New Messages from Mary, Mother and Queen of the Church
1 of 5 March 25, 2021 Mary, Mother and Queen of the Church
From the beginning, I remained in the Father’s heart, in his light. I possessed his ongoing love because he possessed me fully. You might say I belonged fully to him. I, through the Creator’s extraordinary plan, did not endure a fallen nature. Anne, I possessed no rebellion. I remained in the resonance of the Father’s love. All I needed to know was the divine plan. I did not decide what to do in my life. I discerned the Father’s greatest resonance in each moment and moved into that resonance, much like a small child will always move toward their mother or father.
My Creator, my Father… there are no words to describe my love for him and my fearlessness in carrying out his holy and marvelous plans. You admire me because I remained faithful to the early Church, brought about by my son’s total gift. Anne, I was born into the heart of my Father, my all, much as you remain fixed in the heart of my son. Are you part of the plan for Christ’s Church on Earth? I was never apart from the love or plan of God, our Father, our Creator, our most wise and benevolent master. God is the master of love and the one true master of the human heart, which he created in his image.
Anne, my relationship with Jesus was that of a mother to her son. But I also recognized in him both the authority of my Father, and the commitment to me that I knew belonged to God. I departed from the place of my son’s crucifixion a devastated human mother, yes, but also an undeterred disciple and a created, beloved being of the Father, simply seeking out the next greatest hope of my beloved Creator.
2 of 5 March 26, 2021 Mary, Mother and Queen of the Church
Your desire to know me, your mother, is a good desire. I will honor it because the better you know me, the better you can come to understand yourself and where you come from. You are my child. As my child, you possess the influence of my spirit, even if I am not with you physically. This influence prompts sensitivity to the condition of the people around you, whom you view with compassion. The greater the influence of your mother, the greater your compassion. When human beings view each other with compassion, they are more likely to contemplate in kindness and offer that which will serve people who are suffering and in need. We need this disposition, little daughter.
When I confronted the desire of my Creator to allow a fresh spirit to influence humanity in the early development of the Church, I set about the task at once. I watched without cease for seeds of arrogance that could grow into distorted expressions of my son. They were there, the seeds of distortion. How did I recognize them? Because I possessed no rebellion, I saw with God’s heart. If I looked into the future of a pattern of thinking and saw that it would lead man to believe human thinking was more important than God’s plan, I spoke at once. Because I possessed no rebellion, those around me understood that my counsel came from God and that it represented the desires of my son, whom they finally recognized as divine. I felt no burden in this, although I experienced disappointment at the rebelliousness of others at times.
What did I do at those moments?
I rested in my Creator and rejoiced in my son’s resurrection. Man could not destroy my son. They could not sully him with unruly and false human positions of authority. When one rests in the primacy of all authority, the Creator, one views all other representations of authority clearly. Either the authority one encounters is righteous, and thus in line with the Creator, or it is false and absurd, given to actions that are not righteous and that have nothing to do with God. It is easy to determine which representation of authority one encounters. One simply must ask these questions. Is the person too attached to the authority? Is the authority which emerges from the person seeking to dominate and control for the sake of personal gratification? Although a person cannot separate themselves from their actions completely, many grow into detachment very well. However, if the person is seeking to personally exert control and domination over others in order to feed and maintain a distorted or prideful appetite? This results in an abuse of power which feeds destruction.
Abuse of power always ends in human structures destroying themselves from within. Over time, even the bricks of buildings which are home to the structures crumble. Anne, do you see this now? Can you see where influence is used against God’s children, rather than for God’s children? The spirit of their mother is not present. Why should people desire the spirit of their mother? My spirit? Because it most accurately represents the Spirit of the Trinity. Anne, I had no rebellion in me. Which person created by God shares that condition fully? I had no thirst for power. I had nothing that was separate to the love the Father lavished upon me and each of us, and I had the fidelity and tenderness I enjoyed from my son.
God, my God, my Creator was everything to me. Thus his plans were my plans fully, completely. Yes I was fearless, and I remain fearless. If the Church is to be renewed, and it must be, it will require my assistance. I am the Immaculate Conception. At the beginning of the Church of my son, I felt determination. I feel determination now. We must imbue the Church with the spirit of its mother. Only then will the Church understand where it came from. Only then will its identity form authentically again.
Anne, anyone who fails to understand my leadership or misunderstands my right to lead, misunderstands my son and God’s purpose in sending my son. Jesus is the divine authority. I am simply a follower. But my authority rests in the fact that through the benevolence of our Father, I never experienced rebellion against God or my son. My authority, therefore, comes from God’s gift to me in creating me without a fallen nature to endure. My authority is from God, for God, and for each one of his children. My son, your Savior, has a mother. I am she. Each child on Earth also has a mother. I am that mother. My son’s Church behaves in this moment as though she has no mother and thus no guidance, no maternal spirit to animate it humbly and correctly. What must happen, Anne? What must be altered? I will tell you.
3 of 5 March 27, 2021 Mary, Mother and Queen of the Church
Because mankind grows and develops and changes, spiritual service to mankind must also grow and develop and change. Service must adjust. Anne, some matters never change, but others simply must adapt and evolve. Different periods of time on Earth present different challenges. These challenges affect God’s children, my children, and they affect how the Church cares for God’s children and represents God on Earth. It is an awesome responsibility to represent God. Which person could claim to do so consistently? Without pause? Without mistakes? There is no other person who could make that claim.
Anne, I make that claim. I represented God consistently, without pause. I made practical mistakes in my life but my mistakes never misrepresented my beloved Father, whom I adored without pause. My love was his love. I did not depart from his love. I offered God’s love to others consistently because I did not become disillusioned by the cost of following that love.
People on Earth may have moments where they glimpse the majesty and power of God. They may have moments where they glimpse a certain extent of his total sweetness and his kindness. Those moments can cause them to live differently, to choose to serve God that day, or even to make a lifelong choice to serve God. Anne, I lived in those moments. I never parted from the awareness that God loved me fully and that he cared for me in every circumstance. My Father, my beloved Father. I would have done anything necessary to move toward his divine will, his precious and marvelous plans. Every circumstance in my life caused me to contemplate him deeply. I never finished contemplating my Father’s love. I still contemplate his love, and direct every person to the great love our Father has for all of us, available through Jesus.
My commitment to God moved me without pause into the role he established for me. There was always another marvelous plan in which I could participate for my Father. All was an adventure of accompaniment in my life. God never left me. It never occurred to me to leave God, because again, I had no rebellion in me. I was not tormented in that way. Did I suffer? My sufferings were many, but I never suffered temptation against God or against his marvelous plan for me. I never entertained such temptation. I marveled at how blessed I was to know God because I could see that other people did not possess the same awareness. This, Anne, caused me to beseech God without pause. When Jesus, my anointed son, came to be, I understood that the Father had created me for a plan that would always be unique. I knew my journey through time would include moments that could not be understood as separate to the supernatural power of God. Thus, I accepted that the supernatural power of God would always be working around me and I came to expect it. I did not allow trouble or hardship to distract me from God’s power. If God allowed something which involved me, I knew it was part of the plan we shared and I moved through it with determination to do my best for him.
My son, my Savior. He came to help people. He was not only from God, he was God. There would be no benefit in recounting the extent of all that occurred in the life of my child, my Savior. There are some realities that human beings can only comprehend in the next life. That said, the plan for the life of Jesus Christ rested in my heart and was the biggest, most wonderful plan God could create for his children on Earth. I was one of his children on Earth, and I was in the position to assist him with the most unique task that could be asked of a woman. It was for this reason and this purpose that I was created immaculate. I am the mother of Jesus and I am the mother, created by God, of all humanity.
Because God created me so specifically for my role, Jesus took delight in me as God’s special hope for women. Anne, it is time humanity understood that they have a Father, a Saviour, and a Consoler in times of trouble. Humanity also possesses a mother created by God to provide something more, something sublime and sweet, something uniquely feminine. This “something more”, my contribution to the Church, is needed now, at this time. My hope is that many, many women will answer my invitation to unite themselves practically with me in service to God for the renewal of the Church of my son. My hope is that the Church on Earth will humble herself and accept the urgency of renewal in the hearts of each of my children, most especially my sons in the priesthood. Will this be painful? If personal renewal does not cause some sorrow, some remorse, that is a signal the process remains incomplete.
4 of 5 March 27, 2021 Mary, Mother and Queen of the Church
Often on Earth, people meet someone and recognize the similarity of the person to their family members. People can recognize the imprint a person’s family leaves on them. By this I mean that the people in our families affect us as they shape us and form us.
For this reason I say that the Church, the family of God, should represent God, the Father, and Jesus, the son, through ongoing communication with the Holy Spirit. The Church on Earth should also represent and communicate me, its Mother and Queen.
How does the Church communicate its Father? Through respect for every person he created. The Church communicates God the Father through respect for the Earth, the home he created for his precious children. Mankind, the greatest creation of the Father, was given the Earth to come to know God’s love and to offer that love to others. Humanity is the most important creation of the Father. Preserving a safe home for humanity must become a priority which is accepted, not as somehow more important than human beings, but because human beings are so important and sacred to God, the Father.
The Church on Earth should represent my son, Jesus Christ, through its interest in each person and their immortal soul. Each person should know that they are loved, that they are so loved that Jesus would die for them, each of them, again if it were needed. It is not needed, but no sacrifice would be too much for Jesus to make in order to show them how precious they are to him. A human being is precious because they were created by God, not because he or she lives a perfect life. Apart from me, all people experience a fallen nature which results in rebelliousness. When a person is wounded by others or by the events they encounter, they may experience rebellion. The Church is necessary to assist people in healing and traversing their pain. The emphasis on sin, which is often the expression of pain, has resulted in a misrepresentation of the purpose of our Church on Earth. The enemy of hope has inflated this to the degree that the Church is not recognizable as a beacon of hope to all who suffer anguish.
The Church on Earth should represent the Holy Spirit, the Consoler. Each person should know that while they are capable of sin, and they do commit actions that are deliberate and that wound themselves, others, and God, they are also capable of remorse and regret, of sorrow which heals and restores them. This healing process makes the person stronger and thus makes the Church stronger. The Holy Spirit, the Consoler, must be represented more accurately, with greater energy and consistency. If everyone understood that emphasis should be placed on the restorative possibilities available to them after sin, they would be so busy about happy work that they would not experience their fallen nature as much as their transcendent capacity for virtue.
What would we look like, my beloved children, if this were the case? Can you reflect on this for yourself, the next time you worry over sins of your past? Can you rejoice in the goodness that came from your decision to step away from sin and to embrace the fruit of the Consoler, which is virtue and dignity? Can you see that our Church should be celebrating the second piece and not the first? Finally, can you see that for most of my children practicing their beautiful Catholic faith, this is not the case? They worry over their failures and sins to the degree that their joy is diminished.
How might a mother feel about sad children? If you answer that question, you will understand my motivation for allowing God’s children to know me better.
5 of 5 March 27, 2021 Mary, Mother and Queen of the Church
Anne, how should the Church on Earth represent me, its Mother and Queen? If we were to examine my most treasured attribute, we would begin with my devotion to God, my beloved Father. I never rebelled against him. I loved him so passionately that I could feel his resonance in each moment. I did not become distracted from him, ever. If my mind began to contemplate an earthly reality, I drew back into my Father and brought him into the contemplation with me. I searched tirelessly and with delight for his understanding of every person and every situation I encountered. I was filled with curiosity and wonder about him. He did not disappoint me. If I showed curiosity he allowed me the greatest latitude in my contemplation. I studied Heaven’s ways on Earth. For me, everything was an opportunity to study the sublime ways of God, the Creator. This study included observation of the sins of humanity, yes, but also their way of righting themselves. I studied their remorse and sorrow. It moved me to tears and insistence on God’s mercy. “Father,” I would pray, “You must heal this person from the effect of their sin at once. You must do this for me, Father, because I cannot bear their pain.”
Anne, was I ever disappointed in a request to God asking for mercy for others? You know that I was never disappointed in the answer to my prayers. There came from God a never-ending stream of benevolence for the people I encountered. No, God has never disappointed me. The marvelous plans of the Father have always enchanted me and filled me with hope. God has allowed for me an existence which is eternally life-giving. I am the mother of every woman’s child. I am the mother of every man’s child. I am the mother of the children of God and I am the queen of the Church of my son. Within this role, I ask that my ways become the ways of this Church.
God’s perfection is available through every Sacrament and every grace that comes through each sacramental encounter. Truly, my son has seen to the perfection available through the Sacraments. God, my beloved Creator and Father, needs no renewal. God needs no development, adaptation, or encouragement to improve. The Holy Spirit searches tirelessly for those who recognize God and desire to serve at his pleasure. The Spirit seeks those who will forget their bias and hurt. The Spirit is eternally fresh and the ideas which emanate from the Consoler ignite the most dynamic efforts. Who will join with the Spirit of the Consoler?
My children, who am I? I am the true defender of the Trinity. I am the one who defends the Trinity without harming the children so cherished by the Creator. I have no rebellion. I had no rebellion in my heart on Earth. Humanity must be drawn to me now, lest it begin to drift aimlessly into the plans of the enemy for despair and hopelessness.
Because God himself has named me the Mother and Queen of the Church, I have the authority he bestows on me for the use of his power. My influence with God was not earned by me. I do not wish to be misunderstood. He has given it to me, and he created me to help him in this way. I feel only humility and determination. As I left the place of my son’s death an undeterred disciple, I act now as the undeterred child of the beloved Creator and Father. Who will assist me in defending the Trinity in its true nature, which is love? Who will receive my resonance and use it to renew the Church of my son? Who will take on and share the burden of their mother’s determination?
I am the Mother and Queen of the Church and I am your Mother and Queen, too. As your Mother and Queen, I make this request of you. Join me. Start over in your spiritual life. Become your mother’s child more fully. Let people meet you and experience my fidelity to the Spirit of the Consoler. Let people meet you and experience the unlimited forgiveness of my son. Let people meet you and experience the delight and hope of my beloved Creator and Father.
I am the Mother and Queen of the Church. I wish to make known. God has given me the gift of maternity for the Church of my son and he has also given me authority to impart my resonance on it, as its Queen, for the goal of renewal. Truly, I wish for people to look at our Church on Earth and recognize the Trinity. For this to happen, the Church must remember that she has a Mother and a Queen and that I, Mary, am that Mother and Queen. When people can look at our Church and recognize me as present and active, the Church will most accurately represent the divine Trinity, whom I seek to defend now.
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