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Advocate and Queen
The following article by Edward Sri, S.T.D. is an excerpt from a chapter in the recently published Marian anthology, Mariology: A Guide...

Cardinals, bishops ask pope to dogmatically declare Mary ‘spiritual Mother’ in face of pandemic
The following article was originally published on Life Site News on April 15, 2020. April 15, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) — Cardinals and bishops...

VIDEO: World Bishops Ask Pope Francis for Marian Dogma Against Coronavirus
Dr. Mark Miravalle talks about Bishops all over the world asking Pope Francis for a Marian Dogma to fight Coronavirus.

Bishops Worldwide Call Pope Francis to Crown Mary against Coronavirus
To His Holiness, Pope Francis Easter Sunday 2020 Dear Holy Father: Last August 2019, cardinals...

History and Heaven's Cry for a Fifth Marian Dogma
Mother of All Peoples: History and Heaven's Cry for a Fifth Marian Dogma February 20, 2020

Saint Alphonsus Liguori - Mary Is Our Advocate, Able to Save All
So great is the authority that mothers possess over their sons, that even if they are monarchs, and have absolute dominion over every...

Mary’s Universal Queenship
The following summary of the theology of Our Lady’s Queenship is presented by the late Father Juniper Carol, O.F.M., founder of the...

Saint Lawrence of Brindisi on Mary's Queenship
In continuing his series of sermons on St. John’s vision of the woman clothed with the sun, St. Lawrence comes in the fifth of his seven...
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