Why the Time is Ripe for the Fifth Marian Dogma
A New Marian Dogma: Fully Marian and Fully Ecumenical
Padre Pio & Mary Co-Redemptrix
Cardinals, bishops ask pope to dogmatically declare Mary ‘spiritual Mother’ in face of pandemic
VIDEO: World Bishops Ask Pope Francis for Marian Dogma Against Coronavirus
Bishops Worldwide Call Pope Francis to Crown Mary against Coronavirus
It is Time to Crown the Mother
The Coronavirus and the Crowning of Mary
History and Heaven's Cry for a Fifth Marian Dogma
7 Contemporary Fruits from a New Marian Dogma
7 Reasons to Declare A New Marian Dogma Now
Two Cardinals and Four Other Bishops Ask Pope Francis to Proclaim New Marian Dogma
Open Letter to Pope Francis for Mary
Why A New Marian Dogma?
Scottish Bishop Calls for Fifth Marian Dogma
Exploring the Sacramental Dimension of a Fifth Marian Dogma
Our Lady’s Ambassador: John Paul II, Fatima, and the Fifth Marian Dogma
The New Campaign for the Fifth Marian Dogma and the Message of a Mystic
Archbishop A. M. Chinnappa - "Mary Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix, & Advocate"