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Mediatrix Because First Co-redemptrix
“Be it done unto me according to your word” (Lk. 1:38). Mary says “yes” to the Archangel Gabriel, and thus mediates to us the Redeemer to...
St. Maximilian Kolbe and the Immaculata’s Universal Mediation
If the Virgin Mary was created by God and “fashioned as a new creature” by the Holy Spirit, it was… so that she might become the mother...
Saint Josemaría Escrivá on the Mediation of Mary
In St. Josemaría Escrivá’s book The Way, we read: “One always goes to Jesus and one returns to him through Mary.” (1) The teaching is...
Cardinals, bishops ask pope to dogmatically declare Mary ‘spiritual Mother’ in face of pandemic
The following article was originally published on Life Site News on April 15, 2020. April 15, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) — Cardinals and bishops...
VIDEO: World Bishops Ask Pope Francis for Marian Dogma Against Coronavirus
Dr. Mark Miravalle talks about Bishops all over the world asking Pope Francis for a Marian Dogma to fight Coronavirus.
Bishops Worldwide Call Pope Francis to Crown Mary against Coronavirus
To His Holiness, Pope Francis Easter Sunday 2020 Dear Holy Father: Last August 2019, cardinals...
History and Heaven's Cry for a Fifth Marian Dogma
Mother of All Peoples: History and Heaven's Cry for a Fifth Marian Dogma February 20, 2020
Pope Benedict invokes Mary as ‘Mediatrix of all graces’
February 13, 2013 February 11, 2013, will be remembered as the day on which Pope Benedict XVI announced that he would resign from the...
Marian Coredemption and Mediation: An Introduction
In the course of two millennia and under the guidance of the Holy Spirit the Catholic Church has come to an ever more focused...
The Mediatrix of All Graces
The term, “Mediatrix,” can refer either to the general category of Mary’s Maternal Mediation with Christ the one Mediator (as already...
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