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Here’s why July is dedicated to the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ
Article from: Aleteia Philip Kosloski | Jul 01, 2019 When the pope was in exile, he turned to the Blood of Christ for strength. One...

Litany of the Precious Blood
For Private Use Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy Christ, have mercy. Christ, have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy....

On Promoting Devotion to the Most Precious Blood
Pope John XXIII - 1960 To his Venerable Brother Patriarchs, Primates, Archbishops, Bishops and other Local Ordinaries in Peace and...

Saint John Eudes - Sacred Heart of Jesus: Furnace of Love During His Passion
The entire earthly life of our adorable Savior was a continual exercise of charity and goodness towards us. But it was at the time of His...

Saint John Eudes - The Sacred Heart’s Love for His Mother During the Passion
As the adorable heart of our Savior was on fire with infinite love for His most holy Mother, the anguish which He bore in seeing her...

Koinonia and Coredemption in Paul’s Letter to the Philippians
The search for an adequate theology of coredemption as a foundation for the development of mariological dogma must, sooner or later,...

Pope: Precious Blood is fount of salvation for the world
From: Vatican News / June 30, 2018 Speaking to the spiritual family of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus, Pope Francis suggested three...

The Miraculous and Painless Birth of Jesus Christ
The second dogma regarding the Blessed Virgin is the dogma of Mary’s Perpetual Virginity. This defined truth received generally unanimous...

Furnace of Love: The Sacred Heart of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament
St. Bernard appropriately refers to the Blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist as “the Love of loves,” Amor amorum. If we use the eyes of...

Saint John Eudes - The Sacred Heart’s Infinite Love for His Father
Innumerable reasons urge us to offer our worship and honor to the Sacred Heart of our most adorable Savior with extraordinary devotion...

The Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Most Holy Trinity
Christian faith teaches that there are three Persons in the adorable mystery of the Holy Trinity; three Persons who have but one and the...

Devotion to the Precious Blood
St. Peter gives us the revealed foundation for our devotion to the Precious Blood. “You were redeemed,” says the Apostle, “not with...

The Concept of Redemption in the Patristic Tradition
1. Introduction A systematic study of Redemption begins with Anselm of Canterbury in his famous treatise, Cur Deus homo. Nevertheless,...

Salvation, Redemption, and the Primacy of Christ
Introduction The concept of redemption in the Franciscan school, above all in the form given it by Bl. John Duns Scotus, cannot be...

The Blessed Sacrament and the Blessed Virgin Mary
The Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, the Holy Eucharist, is the “source and summit of the Christian life.” (1) Furthermore, it is “the sum...

Saint John Eudes - Sacred Heart of Jesus: Perfect Model and Rule for Our Lives
We shall never be able to understand adequately and esteem at its full value the inconceivable grace Our Lord has granted us in giving us...

The Sacred Heart of Jesus was Filled with Bitter Sorrow at His Mother’s Anguish During His Passion
As the adorable heart of our Savior was on fire with infinite love for His most holy Mother, the anguish which He bore in seeing her...
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