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VIDEO: World Bishops Ask Pope Francis for Marian Dogma Against Coronavirus
Dr. Mark Miravalle talks about Bishops all over the world asking Pope Francis for a Marian Dogma to fight Coronavirus.
Bishops Worldwide Call Pope Francis to Crown Mary against Coronavirus
To His Holiness, Pope Francis Easter Sunday 2020 Dear Holy Father: Last August 2019, cardinals...
Pope Francis and the “Co-redemptrix” Title: Responding in Faith
In an ex tempore homily on Friday, April 3, 2020, the Friday before Holy Week traditionally known as the “Friday of Sorrows” (in...
Pope Francis, the Co-redemptrix Title, and Coronavirus
In this Mary Live, Dr. Miravalle discusses Pope Francis’ comments on Mary Co-redemptrix and applies the Seven Sorrows to Coronavirus.
History and Heaven's Cry for a Fifth Marian Dogma
Mother of All Peoples: History and Heaven's Cry for a Fifth Marian Dogma February 20, 2020
Why is the Mother of God “Co-redemptrix”?
The topic of Mary, the Mother of Jesus as a “co-redemptrix” has become the most hotly contested Mariological discussion of the day, due...
NCR: Pope Francis’ Guadalupe Homily and Mary “Co-Redemptrix”
The following is an article published by the National Catholic Register written by Dr. Mark Miravalle. During his Dec. 12 homily at the...
Pope Francis and the Co-redemptrix Clarifications on Guadalupe Homily
On December 12, during his homily on the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Pope Francis made non-scripted comments referring to the...
Clarifications on Pope Francis’ Guadalupe Homily Concerning “Co-redemptrix”
In response to recent articles concerning our Holy Father’s comments on the “Co-redemptrix” title and the possibility of a new Marian...
Pope Francis vs. the Marian Title “Co-Redemptrix”?
The following article was written by Dave Armstrong on his blog. This particular controversy stems from a homily from Pope Francis, dated...
Fr. Dwight Longenecker - Explaining Mary Redemptrix to an Evangelical
My first personal encounter with the Blessed Virgin Mary happened while I was a student at an Evangelical Anglican seminary in England. I...
Mary: Co-redemptrix & Mother of Mercy
We are right to call Mary "Mother of Mercy" is that she was the one chosen to be the Mother of God — in other words, she was the Mother...
Saint Josemaría Escrivá - Jesus Meets His Mother
Fourth Station - Jesus is Met by His Mother No sooner has Jesus risen from his first fall than he meets his Blessed Mother, standing by...
Mary Co-redemptrix in the Mystical Writings of St. Bridget of Sweden
When I came with him to the place of the Passion, I saw there all the instruments prepared for His death. He was ordered to take off His...
The Mystery of Coredemption in the Message of Fatima
Let us meditate on the great mystery of Mary the Coredemptrix. We are small and we have to ask the light of the Holy Spirit to be able to...
Her Sorrow Is Our Victory: Reflection for Our Lady of Sorrows
STEUBENVILLE, Ohio, SEPT. 14, 2010 ( A few years back, a man called into a live radio show and exclaimed, “What’s all the...
Mary Co-redemptrix and Christian Unity
The proposal that the Holy Father may declare Mary Coredemptrix with Jesus has evoked many voices expressing concern. This is especially...
Mary’s Coredemptive Offering
The episode of the presentation of Jesus in the temple brings an essential complement to the revelation of the mission entrusted to the...
Mary’s Role in the Redemption and the Contemporary Church
Msgr. Florian Kolfhaus, an official of the Vatican Secretariat of State, gave the following presentation at the Franciscan University of...
Marian Coredemption and Mediation: An Introduction
In the course of two millennia and under the guidance of the Holy Spirit the Catholic Church has come to an ever more focused...
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