Why the Mary Co-redemptrix Title is Legitimate
The Holy Father’s comment, “There are no co-redeemers with Christ” is absolutely true in the context of Jesus Christ being the only divine Redeemer and Mediator, and no others can be seen to be on a level of equality with our divine Redeemer. Video: The Annunciation, Pope Francis, Crowning the Mother
All Christians are called to participate in the life and redemptive work of Jesus through prayer, evangelization, sacrifice, and intercession (cf. 1 Tim 2:1; 1 Cor. 3:9; Col. 1:24), and in this entirely subordinate sense are rightly identified, in the papal teachings of Pope St. John Paul II, as “co-redeemers for humanity” (April 5, 1981). Essential Catholic teaching mandates human participation in Jesus’ work of Redemption, as St. Augustine states: “God created us without us, but he did not will to save us without us” (CCC 1847). Article: Observations on Pope Francis' "March 24" Comments
Christian participation in Jesus’ work of Redemption applies in a unique and privileged way to Mary, who, like no other creature, participated with and under Jesus, by bringing the world its Redeemer, and suffering with him at Calvary. [link to with Jesus] link. For this unique though subordinate human role with her divine Son in the Redemption, Mary has been referred to as the human “co-redemptrix” by popes, saints, cardinals, bishops, theologians, and mystics for the last eight centuries, including by Pope St. John Paul II on seven occasions. Article: Is Mary Co-redemptrix A “False Exaggeration”?
The Holy Father’s comment that Mary comes to us as a “Mother” and “not as a goddess, not as a co-redemptrix” can correctly be understood as a condemnation of any association of the co-redemptrix title with Mary being a “goddess,” which constitutes blasphemy and idolatry. Within authentic Catholic Tradition and Papal Magisterial teaching, the co-redemptrix title never denotes Mary as being divine or equal to Jesus, but rather expresses her unique human participation in the Redemption accomplished by Christ, the one Redeemer. IMA Theological Statement: The Role of Mary in Redemption
The Holy Father’s warning of any association of the Co-redemptrix title with Mary being a “goddess” must be fully adhered to. The international movement, Vox Populi Mariae Mediatrici, which is currently praying and petitioning (cf. Canon 212) for the solemn papal definition of Mary as the Spiritual Mother of All Humanity, inclusive of its three maternal aspects as human Co-redemptrix, Mediatrix of all graces, and Advocate, peacefully continues in full obedience to the Holy Father and the papal Magisterium. Article: Why the Time is Ripe for the Fifth Marian Dogma
Why the Mary Co-redemptrix Doctrine Is Needed
Christian Coredemption belongs to the essence of our Catholic faith.
Of course, Jesus Christ is the one and only divine Redeemer (1 Tim 2:5; Heb. 10:10), but it is God’s will that humanity freely participate in our own redemption and in the redemption of others (Col. 1:24; 1 Cor 3:9). Again, St. Augustine teaches: “God willed to create us without us; but he did not will to save us without us” CCC,1847).
The necessity of the Redemption of Jesus Christ is fading away from contemporary thought. The public acknowledgement of Mary as human Co-redemptrix with Jesus will return the necessity of Christ’s Redemption to worldwide discussion.
Mary’s participation with Jesus as Co-redemptrix is unique, but all Christians must freely participate in the work of human redemption and in the redemption of others.
This is clearly expressed in the papal exhortations for Christians to be “co-redeemers for humanity” (St. John Paul II, April 5, 1981), and to become “redeemers in the Redeemer” (Pope Benedict XVI, May 13, 2010).
Through our unity with Christ the divine Redeemer, we, through our prayers, sacrifices, and suffering united with Jesus, participate in the release of the graces of Redemption for our fellow human being (Col. 1:24). Now more than ever, the world needs to be reminded the human suffering, when united to Jesus, can truly be redemptive. Mary Co-redemptrix is the critically needed human example of the redemptive value of human suffering.
Mary takes nothing away from Jesus, but Jesus also takes nothing away from Mary.
It was the plan of God that Mary would receive unique graces and roles from God to be conceived immaculate, to give the Redeemer his flesh as the Mother of God, and to suffer with him at the foot of the Cross as the co-redemptrix (Jn. 19:26; Lumen Gentium 58). These are graces and roles given to Mary by God himself, and Jesus would never seek to take away these God-given gifts and roles from his mother.
It was also the will of God that a woman would participate in the restoration of grace for the human family, as a woman participated in the loss of grace for the human family. Mary’s unique role as Co-redemptrix was given by God to be the New Eve with the New Adam, Jesus Christ, in the historic work of human Redemption, and cannot be taken away from her.
Jesus desires that the truths of our faith be publicly professed, including the truth of Mary Co-redemptrix
As Jesus wanted to hear the public profession of his divinity by Peter before bestowing upon the Church the great gift of the papacy (Mt. 16:15-20), so too, great historic graces would be released with a solemn public definition of the truth of Mary Co-redemptrix.
Co-redemptrix is not simply a theoretical theological term, but rather a powerful profession of authentic Catholic which can release great graces for the Church and for the world.
We urgently need the full motherly intercession of the “Woman clothed with the Sun” (Rev. 12:1) who is now in critical spiritual battle with the Dragon for souls.
In our present age when Satan is becoming more publicly pronounced in our culture, the Church needs a solemn public pronouncement of the role of Mary as our Spiritual Mother, the Co-redemptrix, Mediatrix of all graces, and Advocate, in order for Our Lady to most fully and powerfully exercise her God-given roles of maternal intercession for the world today.
Now is the time for a solemn papal definition of Mary Immaculate as Co-redemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate by the Vicar of Christ in order to bring new and definitive clarity of Our Lady’s true roles as the Spiritual Mother of all peoples, in to release the historic graces which will lead to the Fatima-promised Triumph of her Immaculate Heart.